/Over the weekend, I had the pleasure of presenting on a panel at BroadwayCon, a three-day convention where fans can meet and interact with their favorite Broadway stars.
My panel—Onstage, Offstage, and Under the Stage: Broadway Pit Musicians—was a moderated, hour-long discussion with several other musicians in the Broadway community: Emily “Freddie” Fredrickson, Shannon Ford, Michiko Egger, Sarah Elizabeth Haines, and Carolina Díaz Chan.
From L-R: Carolina, Michiko, Sarah, Freddie, and yours truly. missing from class photo: Shannon Ford, one of the greatest of broadway drummers.
We discussed how our careers led us to Broadway, the differences of performing on stage vs. in a pit, unusual locations (like how I literally have to climb a ladder to get to the drums at Little Shop of Horrors), and other challenges of the gig. We even took a few audiences questions. While we all had similarities and differences in our careers, one thing was unanimous: nothing is more stressful than subbing!
I was nervous going into the panel, but I thought it went really well! I truly felt like a part of the Broadway community, especially since I went directly from the panel to the afternoon show at SIX! It was a rewarding and validating day for sure.